The history of the earthenware factory of Badonviller starts in 1828. In that year Nicolas Fenal becomes the owner of a pottery in Pexonne which was established in 1710. After his death in 1857 his sons and nephews take over the factory and the mark FF (Fenal Frères) is born. In 1897, one of the nephews, Théophile Fenal, starts a earthenware factory in Badonviller, which will be a direct competitor of the factory of his family in Pexonne. Not long after the start of the business the factory has already more than 300 workers.
It is actually quite strange to set up an earthenware factory in Badonviller. None of the necessary raw materials for making earthenware is present in the region: no clay, no lime, nor kaolien. Nothing, except wood to heat the ovens. Until the wood was replaced by coal.
 Milkjug from Badonviller. |
Nevertheless, the factory has over two centuries experience in producing earthenware. Faience factories can be found in the entire region: in Lunéville, Saint-Clément, Pexonne, Niderviller and Sarreguemines. The region is also known for its production of glass and crystal made in Baccarat, Vallerystahl, etc. The reason is that the well managed woods in Lorraine provided enough wood for the ovens.
In 1921 the Fenal family buys the earthenware factories of Lunéville and St. Clément; these factories are managed by Edouard Fenal, who leaves the site in Badonviller to his son Bernard. Edouard dies in 1938. Bernard is killed during the Second World War and is succeeded by Gilbert, his heir.
Renown artists such as the Mougin brothers and Géo Condé create artistic objects for the company.
In 1963 the factories of Badonviller, Lunéville and St. Clément are merged to one company. In the 1980s the Fenal group joins Sarreguemines (the FSDV group: Faïencerie Sarreguemines Digoin Vitry-le-François). Production is continued in cooperation with contemporary artists such as Pierre Cazenove, Régis Dho and Paul Flickinger. The factories of Badonviller close their doors in 1990 and the production is moved to one site: St. Clément.
In December 2006 the Fenal group forms a new venture with the group "Faïence et Cristal de France". This group consists of the former factories of Saint-Clément, Niderviller, Vallerysthal and Portieux, all companies which have been established in the 18th century and who have an impressive past. The new group, "Terre d'Est", continues its production in the 21st century.